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The Holy Bible, which was first published in 1919. Copyright by the United Bible Societies.
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Why and How to Believe in Jesus Christ
Psalm 119
The Meaning of Eternal Life
聖經, 真道, 真理, 真理的道, 神的道
The Scriptures; Faith; the truth; the word of truth; the word of God
饒恕, 赦免 Forgive/forgiveness/forgiven
祂是萬有的主(He is Lord of All)
Psalm 23
Godly Love of Christians
箴言一至十章 中英對照
Proverbs 1 to 10
箴言十一至二十章 中英對照
Proverbs 11 to 20
箴言二十一至三十一章 中英對照
Proverbs 21 to 31
耶穌基督的受難,受死與復活: 四福音合參及相關的新約經文
Passion Week of Jesus Christ: Synopsis of Four Gospels and Related Verses in the New Testament
Opportunities from God-- Dr. Charles Stanley
Thanksgiving Everyday-- Dr. Charles Stanley
Overflowing with Gratitude-- Dr. Charles Stanley
微察患難及在患難中成長 "An Intimate Look of Adversity" and "Growing in Our Adversity"-- Dr. Charles Stanley
在患難中 "In the Mist of Adversity" -- Dr. Charles Stanley
在患難中感恩 "Thanksgiving In the Mist of Adversity" -- Dr. Charles Stanley
"Right Thinking About Death and Resurrection"
"Becauae He Lives"
”禱告最省時間的方法" (Prayer: Our Time Saver) 及 "信徒禱告的爭戰" (The Believer’s War Room)”. -- Dr. Charles Stanley
”如何處理壓力" (How to Handle Stress) 及 "基督在每一次的危機中" (Christ of Every Crisis)”. -- Dr. Adrain Rogers
“從整本聖經來看基督徒的順從上帝及其必要條件及應許;” “Obeying God: The Requirements and Promises From the Entire Bible”
操練與上帝的同在, Practicing the Presence of God
信靠,順服,等候上帝, Trsut, Obey and Wait on the Lord-- 5 sermons of Dr. Charles Stanley
無法承擔的感覺, The Feelings of Inadequacy
因祂(主耶穌基督)活著, Because He Lives
“為義受逼迫” “Persecuted”
The Key to Continued peace
禱告蒙應允的關鍵, The Key to Answered Prayer
十二篇査理斯.史坦利牧師/博士的講章, 有關於”勇敢/壯膽” .
Twelve sermons of a series of the topic on “Courage” by Dr./Pastor Charles Stanley
Twenty five days to set aside some time to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ by Dr./Pastor Adrain Rogers